Fantasy Shop - Maplewood
Store Hours:
Every day
11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Let’s Connect:
(314) 644-3070
What’s happening at Mapplewood?
Pat B.
Greetings fellow dorks! I’m Pat and I’m the Assistant Manager at Fantasy Shop - Maplewood, and before you ask, blue is not my natural hair color. I’ve been coming to the Fantasy Shop for over twenty years, since I was a kid buying Pokémon cards. Now, I’m here more than ever geeking out about Magic: The Gathering, TTRPGs, Warhammer 40k, general horror stuff, and mini painting. If you’re looking for an earful about pretty much anything, recommendations, hot takes, rambling over-explanations, I got you.
Assistant Manager
Sunny is the part-time human store clerk. He finds joy in researching the fears and anxieties that haunt your feeble meat brains, largely through the medium of "comic books."
Speak to him about Dungeons and Dragons, indy comics, and board games. Do not stare directly into his eyes for more than 3 hours.
Bevan is a dork that is forever stuck swapping between his many, many hyper fixations including but not limited to: Cardboard cards of the magical variety, Small plastic figures to build/paint and leave in boxes in his room for months at a time, D&D and other TTRPGs. If you wanna hear more about these or just wanna geek out for a minute, Bevan is your guy.